Spring is unfolding in starts and stops as it does in late March. I can hear a beautiful robin singing and a cardinal joining in sporadically through my open window. New life is breaking forth. How is new life breaking forth in you today?
We are finding creative ways to carry on while still honouring some time-honoured ways. We still reach out to others. Some people are phoning or emailing those whom they have not contacted for a while. We are rising to this challenge with love. We are building a world that is kinder and more compassionate amid this situation
We are in this together. Today, I have included a song by Serena Ryder from the PanAm Games 2015. https://youtu.be/01wHgLfYK0U
Like many of you, I saw sporting events and attended many of the festivities. I particularly enjoyed the Para PanAm Games – attending events at the PanAm Centre on Morningside Road. During the swimming events, everyone stood up and cheered until each single athlete had crossed the finish line. We were one as we cheered with love for the determination and strength each athlete exhibited. We need that resilience, determination, and strength now. It may not be easy, but we can do this. We are not alone. Look for signs of renewal and love today.
Meet you on the path.